Rand Reading Study Group Introduction for CEP 891

My colleague Paul Morsink and I had some fun recording this video that introduces our Master’s of Educational Technology students at MSU to the Rand Reading Study Group (2002) report. Paul kindly invited me to co-teach a course this semester that he developed with Rand Spiro last year. It’s called Online Literacy and Reading to Learn in the Digital Age and this week’s “bonus” activity was to look at the RRSG heuristic and think about what might be “missing” from it using a “new literacies” perspective. We decided that we ought to record some sort of introduction to the report so that students had some context for understanding its importance to the field of reading comprehension. Paul and I recorded it using Skype and Call Recorder. Paul edited it using Camtasia to insert the graphics.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA2dMTS2EVU]

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