Category: Educational Technology

  • The CHENINE Charter Priorities for Education Futures : A Presentation for Kinsale Community School

    The CHENINE Charter Priorities for Education Futures : A Presentation for Kinsale Community School

    Directed by Dr. Andy Hargreaves, CHENINE is an interdisciplinary research collaboratory at the University of Ottawa, focused on articulating and advancing action that aligns with a set of principles and priorities for Education futures. As a member of CHENINE, I was invited this week to present the CHENINE charter and points of important synergy between…

  • Learning to Teach Online : An Open Educational Resource for Pre-Service Teachers

    Teacher candidates at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Education will be doing all of their course work online this fall. Their experiences will give them new opportunities to consider not just what it means to learn in online environments, but also how to teach online. To support their thinking and learning over time this…

  • In a click: Podcast with Jamilee Baroud

    I had the chance to meet up with Jamilee Baroud this week to record an episode for her new Podcast called In a Click. Jamilee is an up-and-coming superstar in the ed-tech/critical digital literacies research community and it has been such a privilege to work with her during her PhD program at the University of…

  • Thinking Tech with new Teacher Candidates at the University of Ottawa

    Ed Tech at the University of Ottawa  Faculty of Education Back-to-school means I get to meet another group of new teacher colleagues this week. It also means I get to talk with them about our Digital Hub Strategy in the Faculty of Education and about Making as a promising pedagogical approach.  I’ve put together two…

  • Presentation for students from Central China Normal University

    I have the privilege to learn with some students from Central China University who are visiting the University of Ottawa this week. Link to my presentation Photos to follow 🙂    

  • Design Ideas for Integrating 3D Printing in K-12 Classrooms

    I teach a course at the University of Ottawa called Integrating Technology in Classrooms to second-year teacher candidates. At this point in the program, our candidates have completed months of evaluated practicum teaching experiences in schools, and have seen a lot of digital technologies used in classrooms for diverse purposes. So far, however, it has…

  • Digital Hub Q & A for B.Ed. Students

    If you’re a B.Ed. student at UOttawa designing a Digital Hub, but at this moment feel like you would benefit from a little guidance, and the opportunity to hear other students’ questions…please join our Q & A session on Zoom. When: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 2 PM Eastern time. Where:  

  • Tech Integration Resources: Curated by Graduates of our B.Ed. Program

    As an ed tech prof, nothing wrangles me like losing institutional access to a set of curated digital resources without warning! Last semester, my B.Ed. students worked tirelessly on many projects — including an e-book on social media integration in classrooms, Maker-inspired lessons and projects, and two-minute tech tip presentations that we then curated into…

  • Launching the Digital Hub Strategy: Fall 2017

    Students in the Teacher Education program at the University of Ottawa will be expected, for the first time this fall, to create a professional website that documents their development as teachers. Faculty members have piloted this project over the past couple of years and in the spring of 2017, we gathered some survey data from…

  • Presentation at CSSE-SCEE 2017 (Ryerson University)

    Entre les mois de décembre 2015 et avril 2016, j’ai fait une étude préliminaire sur le contexte d’intégration d’un outil technopédagogique qui s’appelle WIGUP (While I Grow Up) dans un conseil scolaire dans l’est de l’Ontario. Au cours de notre enquête, les participant.e.s ont identifié plusieurs facteurs contextuels qui ont influencé leur choix d’intégrer ou de…