Tech Integration Resources: Curated by Graduates of our B.Ed. Program

As an ed tech prof, nothing wrangles me like losing institutional access to a set of curated digital resources without warning! Last semester, my B.Ed. students worked tirelessly on many projects — including an e-book on social media integration in classrooms, Maker-inspired lessons and projects, and two-minute tech tip presentations that we then curated into a very useful spreadsheet, categorized by the pedagogical affordances and constraints of the tools each student had reviewed.

We did all of this work inside of Google Classroom — but today, when I went to access that space, I discovered that my Google Classrooms had disappeared from my institutional account. Without warning. This is one of many reasons that teachers hate technology. Systems and IT policies can undermine the real educational affordances of digital tools. I assumed — erroneously — that my students would always have access to the classroom we built together. And today, I found out the hard way that that wasn’t the case.


So, just in case some of my hard-working students are looking for access to those same resources (Tereza S.?!) here they are — hyperlinked for your use.

Social Media Guidebooks

The Preservice Teacher’s Guide to Social Media in the Classroom
(Created by Intermediate-Senior Teacher Candidates in PED 3119, March 2017)

The Preservice Teacher’s Guide to Social Media in the Classroom
(Created by Primary-Junior Teacher Candidates in PED 3119, March 2017)

Tech Tips with Notes on Effective Pedagogical Integrations

TechTip Synthesis (Intermediate-Senior Teacher Candidates)

TechTip Synthesis (Primary-Junior Teacher Candidates)

Course Syllabus

PED 3119 Course Syllabus

If you were a member of one of these PED 3119 classes and are looking for other resources, please contact me directly and I will do my best to provide them to you.





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